I created this post because I use Cornerstone by Zennaware for version control and have several repositories and recently needed to upgrade from one Mac to a newer Mac.
I found a good post that got me started @ http://www.gigoblog.com/2014/05/19/move-cornerstone-svn-client-settings-and-data-to-new-computer/ . However, there are two important things that I did not find in the article that I’d like to point out for you that I ran into.
- The new computer should have the same user directory name as the old computer. So be sure that when setting up the new computer that the username matches the username on the old computer. This is not going to prevent you from accomplishing your goal but if you do not have matching usernames, the Cornerstone repositories are looking for then you will receive file path errors on the new computer. You will have to rename the path at that point which may take time and could lead to further steps.
- The correct locations to restore files are in the directory users Library directory. E.g. “Macintosh HD [or whatever your primary drive is named]/Users/[your username]/Library/Preferences/com.zennaware.Cornerstone.plist” AND
“Macintosh HD [or whatever your primary drive is named]/Users/[your username]/Library/Application Support/Cornerstone”- NOTE: How to show hidden library folder on a Mac @ http://osxdaily.com/2014/12/16/show-user-library-folder-os-x-yosemite/
- You can install Cornerstone before or after you being this process. The order should not make a difference. I installed it first.
That should do it.